road-trip-925859__180With college students across the country settling into their homes away from home, many are left missing family and friends. My guest blogger this week, Emily Boyer (a college freshman), offers a few tips on staying connected to loved ones.

koala-61189__340Emily writes: I thought I’d always have my parents close to me. Now that I am in college—reality check! Plus, now I have to do things for myself that my parents used to do. But if I ever need my mom or my dad, they are only a phone call away. I now cherish every moment I get with my parents because I know they won’t be around forever.

Here are a few ways to stay connected to family:

  • If you can’t make it home, make a phone call! Sometimes you just want to talk with your parents about your day. Maybe you need advice about something going on in school or your life in general. Conversation with your parents is not only a good bonding moment, but it’s also a good way to stay connected.
  • Send a card in the mail—one that says “thinking of you” or “miss you.”
  • Arrange family activities. When you do get a chance to go home, plan a game night, go to the movies, or make dinner together. Take simple activities as an opportunity for quality time. And involve the whole family!
  • Then, take pictures of those family moments and email them to your parents when they least expect it.
  • Create your own “memory board” of family and friend pictures. Nothing is better than a seeing a smiling face on a tough day.

Use your time with your parents wisely. I miss my family a lot these days and look for every opportunity to stay connected.